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I’m an Innovation Coach working with new(ish) managers, often in sustainability, social and small enterprises, and nonprofit organizations, as well as in other sectors. My mission is to help you facilitate your team’s problem-solving so that they create better solutions, and you become a more effective manager.
After serving as an officer in the British Military on multiple operational tours, Jimmy held a variety of senior corporate roles culminating in a GM role running an 8 figure business in NZ.
Paul has been helping people perform for over 20 years, across multiple industries and in various different guises, most recently working with the Formula 1 and supercar manufacturer McLaren.
Experienced International Corporate Leader Ricardo Rosa Head of Innovation Sonae Sierra
Sanjay Bhargava was on the founding team of PayPal and knows Elon Musk well. Elon has endorsed his work. He did a short stint as Starlink Country Director for India from Oct - Dec 2021.
Jens Heitland is Serial Entrepreneur, Experienced International Corporate Manager and Founder of Succeed. He has a professional Coaching education and has worked in corporate companies such as Deutsche Bank, IKEA, Fjord by Accenture and Footlocker.